But, we aim to minimise our impact on the world around us. We care deeply about the future for everyone; for animals, human beings, and our environment.
After all, to coin a phrase, there is no Planet B.
Crossways seeks to reduce, reuse and recycle wherever we can. Here are some of the keen ways we’re doing our bit for a more sustainable way of working and living:
Recycling and waste disposal
As you would imagine, we can’t avoid waste – in all its forms. Therefore, we concentrate hard on our waste disposal processes. Our focus is to ensure that we carry this out with enormous care and attention to minimise pollution or harm to our natural resources.
With a vigorous company-wide policy, we’re committed recyclers. In fact, it’s almost a Crossways law: if we can recycle it, we will – each and every time.
Water use
Again, we must use water. And, to be honest, we use more than the average business.
Water helps to keep the animals we look after clean and hydrated, and to keep their accommodation – and our centre itself – spotless. Not to mention the water in our wonderful hydrotherapy pool. But, we’re meticulous with its use, and fastidious about maximising efficiencies.
We’re moving towards electricity as a single source of power, plus everything we use is 100% renewable.
Watch this space. The next time you visit us, look out for the solar panels on the roof.
Our environment
Your dog will love exercising in our nearby field, with plenty of re-wilded areas in our sixteen-acre space. This area is completely unspoilt – almost untouched by human hand, you could say. Our special woodland has never been farmed. No chemicals, not then. Not ever.
Local suppliers
Crossways is going local. Actually, we insist on it. Drawing on the resources, services and skills of suppliers within a limited radius doesn’t just support our community and local economy. With a fewer-miles philosophy, it also reduces Crossways’ carbon footprint.
Likewise, this enables us to use less petrol, keeping costs down and produce fewer emissions.